Upwards of 50 students from East and West Marion will be able to attend PRCC at NO COST. This would include room and board, textbooks, and full tuition for any programs offered at PRCC.
Over the past several months, the MacKenzie Scott Foundation has given around $2 Billion to 343 organizations in support of underserved communities across the Unites States. We were lucky to be one of them. Read the main article from the MacKenzie Scott Foundation HERE.
MCSD Educational Foundation Scholarship Application
Scholarship Description:
- The Marion County School District (MCSD) Educational Foundation Scholarship Application is for students graduating from East Marion High School and West Marion High School. The scholarship is opportunity-based and competitive with a limited amount of scholarships given each year.
- The MSCD Educational Foundation Scholarship is a renewable scholarship for the 2-3 years the student is enrolled at PRCC continually.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Enrolled at East Marion or West Marion for at least the final FOUR consecutive semesters
- Be accepted at Pearl River Community College
- Complete FASFA and accept any awards given
- If you qualify for Pell Grants etc., complete and accept any awards given
- Participate in an interview with the scholarship committee
- Graduate with at least a 2.0 GPA
What is the Marion County School District Foundation? Why a Foundation Fund?
The MCSD established the MCSD Foundation Educational Fund in trust with the Pinebelt Foundation in order to be able to provide scholarship opportunities to our students. This fund will provide yearly interest payments allowing upwards of 50 scholarships to students who graduate from Marion County Schools.
By creating a Foundation Fund in Trust with the Pinebelt Foundation it enhances the abilities of the donation through a 501c3 umbrella.
Who will oversee and manage the MCSD Educational Fund?
The Pinebelt Foundation has agreed to manage and process the funds for our students. They have both experience and multiple funds they manage similar to the MCSD Educational Foundation Fund.
Who are the partners of MCSD Educational Foundation?
Pinebelt Foundation
Pearl River Community College
Who is the Donor?
MacKenzie Scott through her Lost Horse Foundation and National Philanthropic Trust. She has given over one billion dollars away to charities and non-profit organizations to promote positive change in the world. For the latest list of recipients of her generosity click here:https://mackenzie-scott.medium.com/of-and-by-104c6ff53ff0
How did the Marion County School District get chosen to receive such a generous donation? Is Marion County School District the only School District in Mississippi to receive a donation?
A third-party organization that works to connect donors with recipients contacted the Superintendent. They stated they were seeking organizations that were working and making progress to make a difference in their communities. A series of interviews followed. Then, a second Team and Foundation reached out to disclose the possibility that a donation was about to be awarded. In the process, the donor was revealed and the MCSD moved to the final stages of possibly being awarded. Next, the Team and then a second foundation (National Philanthropic Trust) indicated we would indeed receive a non-restricted gift of $3,500,000.00 which took several weeks to process. The entire process took over several months and we were obligated to secrecy until the final transfer of funds that took place a week ago.
While many other school districts across the nation and world have received such a donation, currently the Marion County School District is the only one in Mississippi.
What kind of scholarship is offered?
The scholarship is offered to students who graduate from the Marion County Schools to attend Pearl River Community College at NO cost. Students must apply and interview and be awarded the scholarship. Students must meet standard enrollment requirements for PRCC. Students may enter into any of the programs offered by PRCC, including Academic Pathways, Career and Technical Pathways, or Health and Nursing at any of the three campuses. It is a needs-based scholarship that is described in more detail on the Scholarship Application Page. It can be applied for each year after graduation with specific requirements for year one and year two. It pays all remaining costs of students once the normal FAFSA application and standard awards are applied.
Can students cash out funds if they are awarded multiple scholarships or grants? Would students need to take student loans?
No, The Fund pays any cost remaining after standard FAFSA awards are applied. Thus, the scholarship will vary depending on the needs of each individual student. For example, if a student applies for a Pell Grant, MTAG, or gets a partial Choir Scholarship, the MCSD Educational Fund would pay all remaining costs (i.e. room and board, textbooks, or tuition).
No. All costs would be covered by the scholarship. If a student chooses to take a student loan, that would be their individual choice and it would be applied after the scholarship pays off all remaining fees.
Will the scholarship funds run out?
No. By allowing Pinebelt Foundation to manage the Fund it will be able to create interest enough to pay each year upwards of 50 scholarships for the foreseeable future.
Can the funds be used by the Superintendent, or the MCSD School Board for other purposes?
No. The MCSD Educational Foundation is in a legally binding agreement with Pinebelt Foundation to fulfill the intent of the Fund. The Fund will be managed and disbursed by the Pinebelt Foundation.
Can the Superintendent determine who receives scholarships?
No. East and West Marion High School will have their own Scholarship Committee consisting of five members selected by the principals and chaired by the principals who will review and process all applications, conduct all interviews, and submit recommendations to the MCSD Board for final approval before submitting the candidates to the Pinebelt Foundation. The superintendent will be recused from participating as his position is by default a serving member of the Pearl River Community Board of Trustees.
Can the Scholarship be transferred to other colleges or universities?
No. Pearl River Community College is the feeder college for Marion County established by IHL and the Junior College Board. Pearl River Community college exists to serve Marion County. As such, our existing partnership will be enhanced by this joint venture. PRCC now is the leading community college in the state. Students will have a plethora of options to choose from for continuing their studies.